Landed at Lukla
After a day relaxing and shopping in Kathmandu, we’re finally underway.

Last time I flew to Lukla we got up early, got told the flight was cancelled, spent the next four days waiting for the weather to improve, and finally had to charter a helicopter to avoid the chaos at Kathmandu airport. This time, things were much smoother - we got up at 04:00 today, got the first flight out of KTM and were in Lukla before 07:00.
The skies here are clear, and the sun is gradually reaching more of the village, which will hopefully warm things up - it’s pretty cold at the moment.
We’re just waiting for a second plane to bring a few remaining bags now. After recent issues on flights up here they’re being a bit more strict about luggage allowances, and we had to split the team’s bags between a couple of planes. Once the bags arrive, we’ll hopefully be off up the Khumbu.